WELCOME! Christian Science is a worldwide Bible-based religion with an emphasis on spiritual progress and healing in every area of life, including physical and emotional health, relationships, finances, and career. We understand God to be a Father-Mother of complete love — and it’s this Love that heals.

If you’re seeking spiritual healing here in St. Louis, explore Christian Science. This approach to spirituality was founded in the late 1800’s by Mary Baker Eddy, a revolutionary Christian from New England whose insights about the real nature of God have spread around the globe.


There are many Christian Science churches throughout the St. Louis area where all are welcome. Join us for Sunday church services, Sunday School (for children and teens) Wednesday evening testimony meetings, quiet study in our Reading Rooms, and free Christian Science lectures.


Every week there’s a spiritually-focused event you can attend either online or in-person. See this listing of what’s coming up.


Mary Baker Eddy discovered the Science of spiritual healing based on Jesus’ teachings and works. Her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, has helped people throughout the world find freedom from disease and suffering of all kinds. Read healings our local members have experienced through their study and practice of Christian Science.


Enjoy spiritual uplift and hear first-hand accounts of healing through many different formats. These include short inspirational podcasts, in-depth interviews, church services, audio articles and testimonies, a continuous broadcast of our textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, recordings of in-person talks, and more.


Learn more about Christian Science: its core concepts, its history and its founder, Mary Baker Eddy, its many publications, the weekly Bible Lesson, and its international reach.