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Be Set Free
with Nicole Virgil

Freedom is yours when you know where to look for it! Nicole brings a straightforward approach to her talks. She will share and give healing examples from her life of how practical it is to rely on an omnipresent good God for freedom from mental, physical and relationship issues. As well as lecturing, Nicole’s work is praying specifically for and with individuals to bring about the healing of any situation.


About Nicole Virgil

Nicole’s father was a free-lance church organist, and her parents attended services at many different Christian churches in New England. Her mom had been on a years-long search to find out how to practice Christian healing just as Jesus did, and when she started attending Christian Science church services, she found what she was looking for. As a result, Nicole was raised in Christian Science, and developed a deep desire for an intimate relationship with God.

Nicole studied Christian Science with her mom and music with her dad, and found that each discipline complemented the other. Christian Science healed performance anxiety, while learning music honed the skills she needed for spiritual practice — skills such as intuition, listening, patience and diligence. Throughout her life, Christian Science and music have always overlapped: after studying opera at music school, she took her one-woman opera review program (That Can’t Be Opera!) on the road, educating audiences about opera by singing Mozart, Puccini, and Menotti. Christian Science guided her through this entrepreneurial endeavor, just as it led her to start soloing in churches as a teenager (which is something she still loves to do!) — Nicole eventually married, started a family with her husband, and entered the public practice of Christian Science.

Today Nicole enjoys raising children, gardening, soloing in church, and witnessing the healing effect of Christian Science.

Nicole Virgil will give her talk at First Church of Christ, Scientist, St. Louis
Childcare will be provided.
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