Christian Science is a Bible-based religion founded by a New England woman in the late 1800s. With a structure of branch churches, weekly Bible Lessons, in-person lectures, both online and print publications, practitioners and teachers — the ideas of Christian Science can be accessed in dozens of languages and on nearly every continent. Below are some ways to explore this healing practice.

What is Christian Science?
LEARN more about Christian Science.
The Weekly Bible Lesson
GET ACQUAINTED with the Christian Science Bible Lesson.
Science and Health
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is Mary Baker Eddy’s primary work, which contains the full explanation of Christian Science and its biblical foundation for spiritual regeneration and healing. You can read it online here or purchase it wherever books are sold.
READ published testimonies of healing and inspirational articles at JSH-Online.
International Articles
EXPLORE articles and testimonies in 14 languages.
Mary Baker Eddy
LEARN more about the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science from The Mary Baker Eddy Library.
The Christian Science Monitor
READ articles from Pulitzer-prize winning The Christian Science Monitor.
Pre-recorded Christian Science lectures
WATCH Christian Science lectures on your computer, tablet, or phone.
Christian Science Directory
FIND a Christian Science practitioner, teacher, or nurse in our worldwide directory.